Build Skill
The skills stage of the devotion cycle requires practicing relevant skills to improve our behaviors. To live out wholehearted devotion to God, we need to practice skills in specific areas. Skills in the areas of:
Walking in Relationship with God
Expanding our wisdom, knowledge of God, and love for God
People Focus
Repent of and remove Sin
In other words, total devotion to God requires that we take a lot of R.E.P.S.! We work through each skill by either working through the skill's documents or interacting with the skill's videos.
Areas of Skill
Click below on the area of skill that you would like to improve.

These are skills that help people walk in relationship with God. Here you will find skills like how to interact with the bible, prayer, etc.

These are skills that help people expand their wisdom, knowledge of God, and love for God. Here you will find skills like belief and how to read Biblical poetry.

These are skills that will help people have a people focus. Here you will find skills such as how to honor people and goal setting.

These are skills that will help people repent of and remove sin. Here you will find skills like integrity and decision making
List of skills
​Tap or click on the skill to be taken to it's page.